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The Loeb classical library

Material Type Books
ID 1000000076
Publisher London : W. Heinemann
Language und

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1 35 . Tacitus in five volumes ; 1 Agricola / Tacitus ; translated by M. Hutton ; revised by R.M. Ogilvie . Germania / Tacitus ; translated by M. Hutton ; revised by E.H. Warmington . Dialogus / Tacitus ; translated by W. Peterson ; revised by M. Winterbottom U.K.. - Revised and reprinted. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press
2 72 The Gallic war / Caesar ; with an English translation by H.J. Edwards uk. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press
3 147-150, 472-473, 477, 482 Hippocrates / with an English translation by W.H.S. Jones 1:American - v. 5 : uk. - London : Heinemann
4 240 . Cicero : in twenty-eight volumes ; 6 Pro Publio Quinctio ; Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino ; Pro Quinto Roscio Comoedo ; De lege agraria I, II, III / Cicero ; with an English translation by John Henry Freese Britis. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press
5 348-349 . Cicero : in twenty-eight volumes ; 3-4 De oratore / Cicero ; with an English translation by E.W. Sutton ; completed, with an introduction, by H. Rackham 1. Books 1-2. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press
6 386 . Cicero : in twenty-eight volumes ; 2 De inventione ; De optimo genere oratorum ; Topica / Cicero ; with an English translation by H.M. Hubbell British. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press
7 411-417 The city of God against the pagans : in seven volumes / Saint Augustine ; with an English translation by George E. McCracken 1 - 4. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press

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Other titles variant access title:Loeb classical library
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Notes Founded by James Loeb
この叢書のアメリカ側出版社の変遷(推定): 1912?-1915?=Macmillan ; 1916?-1934?=Putnam ; 1935?-現在=Harvard U.P. ; このほかAppletonから1916年に出版された例がある。 -- 推定の典拠: The National Union Catalogue, pre-1956. Books in series, 1876-1949. The Loeb classical libraryの出版目録-from Harvard/Heinemann 1988
Manufactured in London and published simultaneously in America (first by Macmillan, which had changed its mind, and later by G.P. Putnam)
Heinemann withdrew from the arrangement in 1989
NCID BA00254115