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Reprints of economic classics

Material Type Books
ID 1000000082
Publisher Clifton, N.J. ; New York : A.M. Kelley
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1 The English utilitarians / by Sir Leslie Stephen v. 1. Jeremy Bentham,v. 2. James Mill. - New York : A. M. Kelley , 1968
2 The Nation : the foundations of civil order and political life in the United States / by Elisha Mulford New York : A. M. Kelley , 1971 [c1870]
3 The tables turned / by James Bonar New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
4 Political and social economy : its practical applications / by John Hill Burton, (1844) ; with an introductory essay "John Hill Burton and popular economic thought in the age of John Stuart Mill" by Joseph Dorfman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
5 Essays in political economy/ by Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie 2nd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
6 The premises of political economy : being a re-examination of certain fundamental principles of economic science / Simon N. Patten New York : A. M. Kelley , 1968
7 An inquiry into the principles of national wealth : illustrated by the political economy of the British Empire / by John Rooke New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
8 Principles of political economy : deduced from the natural laws of social welfare and applied to the present state of Britain / by G. Poulett Scrope New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
9 Church and manor : a study in English economic history / by Sidney Oldall Addy New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
10 The commercial crisis 1847-1848 : being facts and figures illustrative of the events of that important period considered in relation to the three epochs of the railway mania, the food and money panic & the French Revolution 2d ed., rev. and enl. - New York : Kelley , 1969
11 On the economic theory of socialism / by Oskar Lange and Fred M. Taylor ; Benjamin E. Lippincott, editor New York : Augustus M. Kelley , 1970
12 Natural elements of political economy / by Richard Jennings New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
13 Industry & trade : a study of industrial technique and business organization, and of their influences on the conditions of various classes and nations / by Alfred Marshall 4th ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
14 History of immigration to the United States : exhibiting the number, sex, age, occupation, and country of birth of passengers arriving from foreign countries by sea, 1819 to 1855 / by William J. Bromwell New York : A. M. Kelley , 1969
15 The economics of enterprise / by Herbert J. Davenport New York : A. M. Kelley , 1968
16 Dividends to pay / [by] E.D. Kennedy New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
17 Studies in the theory of money, 1690-1776 / [by] Douglas Vickers New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
18 The early history of banking in England / R.D. Richards New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965

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NCID BA00118558