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Onkologie : Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung und-behandlung

Material Type Journals
ID 3000971719
ISSN 0378584X
Publisher Basel : S. Karger
Year 1978-2013
Language German

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図書館 3-9 1980-1986

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図・製本雑誌(南棟B1電動) 7-8 1984-1985
図・製本雑誌(南棟B1電動) 7-8 1984-1985 20502657

図・製本雑誌(南棟B1電動) 5-6 1982-1983
図・製本雑誌(南棟B1電動) 5-6 1982-1983 20436532

図・製本雑誌(南棟B1電動) 3-4 1980-1981
図・製本雑誌(南棟B1電動) 3-4 1980-1981 20418980

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Other titles abbreviated title:Onkologie
key title:Onkologie
other title:International journal for cancer research and treatment
Notes Title from cover
Other title information varies: international journal for cancer research and treatment, <Vol. 36, issue 12 (2013)>
Notes about History of the Documents Continued by:Oncology research and treatment
Subjects MESH:Neoplasms -- periodicals  All Subject Search
NCID AA00764259

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