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子宮収縮剤の本質と過剰投与の背景 : 分娩の生理と合併症 : 分娩誘発より安全に、より確かに / 寺木良巳著

Material Type Books
ID 2000114291
ISBN 9784874998731
Publisher 新潟 : 考古堂書店
Year 2018.10
Language Japanese
Size 152p : 図版 ; 31cm

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WQ/330/Shi 51416020

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Other titles title page title:Intrinsic characteristics of uterotonics, and background to overdosage : physiology of labor and delivery and assosiated complications : induction of labor-with greater safety and with more profound certainty
title page title:分娩の生理と合併症 : 子宮収縮剤の本質と過剰投与の背景 : 分娩誘発より安全に、より確かに
Authors 寺木, 良巳 <テラキ, ヨシミ>
Subjects NDLSH:出産
Classification NDLC:SC577
NCID BB27389440

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