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道徳情操論 / アダム・スミス著 ; 米林富男訳

Material Type Books
ID 2000035189
ISBN 4624010272
Publisher 東京 : 未来社
Year 1969.10-1970.4
Language Japanese
Size 2冊 ; 22cm

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英語 150.1/D88 10395657

英語 150.1/D88 10395660

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Other titles original title:The theory of moral sentiments, or, An essay towards an analysis of the principles by which men naturally judge concerning the conduct and character, first of their neighbours, and afterwards of themselves : to which is added a dissertation on the origin of language
Notes 原著第6版(1790年刊)の翻訳. 翻訳底本:ボーンズ・スタンダードライブラリー版(1853年刊)及びマレイ版(1869年刊)
人名索引: 下巻末
Authors Smith, Adam, 1723-1790
米林, 富男 訳
Subjects NDLSH:倫理学
Classification NDLC:H51
NCID BN01790505

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